At RIGOL Technologies Co., Ltd., we bring together exceptional talent with innovative potential and visionary insights to lay the foundation for a smarter world through test and measurement.
We provide advanced testing solutions to customers in over 80 countries and regions around the globe, helping them reduce testing and measurement costs, accelerate design and project completion, and quickly deploy new products and technologies. Our engineers offer measurement support to engineers worldwide, creating more possibilities for their explorations.
We firmly believe that innovation is the source of progress. Since our founding in 1998, RIGOL has been dedicated to cutting-edge technology in the field of test and measurement. As of December 31, 2024, the company holds 524 authorized patents, including 437 invention patents, with a leading number of authorized patents in the oscilloscope field in China. The company has been listed in the top 500 patent holders in China for two consecutive years. Our passionate and creative engineers are working together to drive the next revolution in the test and measurement industry.

The R&D 100 Awards from R&D World Magazine, the leading scientific and technical magazine in the United States, have served as the most prestigious innovation awards program for over 56 years, honoring great R&D pioneers and their achievement. RIGOL was awarded twice, demonstrating the recognition of its R&D capabilities in the field.

RIGOL ranked 275th in the "Top 500 Chinese Enterprises' Patent List" in 2019. The list is baed on the comprehensive evaluation of the enterprise's patent portfolio, application quality and technology innovation.

Future Strategic Direction
Focus on customers, technological breakthroughs, talent development

Focus on Customers
RIGOL will continue to adhere to innovation as the foundation, provide customers with reliable, ease-of-use, cost-effective solutions, and transform from hardware providers to solution providers.

Tech Breakthrough
RIGOL will focus on analog technology-based application-specific integrated circuits (ASICs),core algorithms and software,introducing the concepts of AI and machine learning.

Talent Development
With the power of RIGOL Academy, we work closely with partners and first-class universities, to promote the "RIGOL Elite Partner Program" and cultivate elite talents in the test and measurement industry.